This is My Story
JC Pohl is an award-winning producer, nationally recognized speaker, and certified counselor who has reached over 12 million people in 8,000+ schools. He has produced groundbreaking programs such as TEEN TRUTH and RISING UP, and award-winning content for companies such as Warner Brothers, ESPN, and Disney. He has also provided innovative educational content for The American Film Institute and Human Relations Media.
His school culture work with TEEN TRUTH has sent him around the world, inspiring students, educators, and parents to tell hard truths and be the difference. During his career, Pohl has been featured on news programs, radio shows, and has received front-page coverage on USA Today and Yahoo! Sports. He has personally reached students in every type of school and keynoted conferences for CADA, TASC, TASSP, DECA, AASSP, NHASP, PA Principals, CHSAA, KASA, MSAA, NAWD, NASSCED, COSA, OASC, LEAD, NCSA, GAEL, OSTI-CON, BOOST, Texas School Safety Center, and the PTA. Additionally, he has served as an educational consultant for brands such as Six Flags, Lifetouch, Union Pacific, Special Olympics, The Miami Dolphins, The Baltimore Ravens, and FIVE STAR.
To complement TEEN TRUTH, he also developed RISING UP, an SEL curriculum designed to teach students to build resiliency in the face of adversity. Launched in 2013, Pohl’s RISING UP: Coaching Program has reached students across the country and consists of a peer-to-peer curriculum used by school counselors, the Texas Department of State Health Services, 21st Century ACE Centers, and Communities in Schools.
Pohl is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in the state of Texas and is the author of Building School Culture From the Inside Out, Building Resilient Students From the Inside Out, Building Campus Relationships From the Inside Out as well as RISING ABOVE: A Story of Positive School Conflict Resolution. Currently, he offers counseling services through his private practice and Austin Divorce Recovery. He holds a Masters Degree in Professional Counseling from Texas State University, San Marcos, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Business and Marketing from Santa Clara University. He is active in the Austin community and has sat on the board of the Austin AMFT. You can find him on Facebook and LinkedIn or connect directly at
Lives Impacted
Schools Reached
Award Winning Films
School Programs
As a veteran speaker with 10+ years experience, JC offeres school assemblies, leadership summits, and SEL curriculum that are geared to empower student voice and build school culture. Visit TEEN TRUTH or RISING UP for in-depth information.
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Educator Programs
School culture is not given, it is built student by student. JC offers keynote sessions, interactive workshops, and in-depth trainings for educators, parents, and school administrators interested in building safe, positive school climates.
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Counseling Services
As a national certified counselor and licensed marriage and family therapist in the state of Texas, JC offers counseling services for teens, individuals, and couples, as well as in-depth counseling for pre-marriage or divorce recovery clients.
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